À propos
TAP SWING vous propose son Week End "Appellation Swing Contrôlée - ASC" : avec la venue de :
- Maria Ferrer and Aurélien Darbellay, professeurs internationaux de Barcelone.
Week end Lindy Hop :
Lindy niveau 2, 3 et 4
Solo : 2 niveaux
- Une soirée d'accueil le VENDREDI de 20h30 à 01h00 animée par Dj PhilGood
+ découverte du lindy hop pour les débutants de 19h15 à 20h30 (animée par Audrey Fricard & Damien Rosendale),
- Une grande soirée le SAMEDI de 21h à 02h00 avec les CLARIBOL STOMPERS et Dj Audrey F.
Samedi : Orchestre CLARIBOL STOMPERS + Dj
Bio Maria & Aurélien
María and Aurélien think about their dance as a space of three-sided dialogue, where collective dynamics combine with individual expression and musical inspiration. They emphasize rhythmical playfulness, and different ways of interacting with the music and each other. They like to pay attention both to the moments when individuality smoothly fits into the collective flow, and to the moments when tension arises and resolves. They embrace with curiosity, doubts and joy the responsibility of sharing an artform that was born in the African-American community, in a social and cultural context very different from their own.
Sometimes you are up for a chill conversation, sometimes you want to go deeper. Their classes are a mix of both.
Shorter Bio Maria & Aurélien
María and Aurélien think about their dance as a space of three-sided dialogue, where collective dynamics combine with individual expression and musical inspiration. Sometimes you are up for a chill conversation, sometimes you want to go deeper. Their classes are a mix of both.
Inscription sur HELLO ASSO :
Pour toute question sur les inscriptions : / For all questions : tapswing.inscriptions@gmail.com
Association TAP SWING (Bordeaux)
L'Abus de Swing est recommandé pour la santé !