À propos
We’ll be back for the 3th edition of Boulevard Blues!
Same concept:
Cosy and warm atmosphere
3 parties with live music
international teachers
* Gas&Alba (Madrid)
* Vicci&Adamo (London & Valencia)
* Edmilson Botelho (Porto)
6 hours of classes
1 taster on Friday
2 lectures/other activities
3 couple levels and 1 solo track
Price 149€
All parties & classes at the same venue: Ritmo Studio’s - Hasselt (Belgium)
Be sure to book your Airbnb/hostel asap, options are rather limited and become more expensive closer to the date
Mini vans/ camper vans are welcome on the parking lot in front of the venue. Showers available during the hours of the festival
Registration opens Monday the 1st of August at 20h (CET)